Members will be notified of a tournament a month in advance. All tournament sign-ups will be done via the Golf Genius website. The sign-up window will close at 9:00am on the Friday prior to the tournament unless the tournament is not filled.

CHMGA will use variable tees during the tournament season, set by the Tournament Committee and standardized by flight. Players may move back from their flight's tees, with handicaps capped at the flight max. Moving forward requires approval from the Tournament Director, considering age and physical ability. Tee placements are determined by course management.

NCGA qualifying tournament handicaps will be the same as those used in the tournaments being qualified for. CHMGA will employ a unique tournament handicaps system (TI) for club home tournaments.

NEW members will play at 80% of their GHIN handicap until they have participated in three postable Cinnabar Hills Men's Golf Association Tournaments. Upon completion of third postable differential, a Tournament Index (TI) will be established and used moving forward. This calculation leverages the same World Handicap System (WHS) methodology with the only exception of only CHMGA Differentials used in the calculation.

Tournament handicaps are not used for NCGA Qualifying Tournaments.

For a score to be acceptable for handicap purposes, at least 9 holes that have a 9-hole Course Rating™ and Slope Rating™ must be played. If between 10-17 holes are played (typically due to darkness, inclement weather, or match play), hole-by-hole score entry is required for the holes played.<p>

Once a score is posted for the holes played – for example, holes 1-16 – a Score Differential™ will be created based on the 16 holes played, and the expected Score Differential™ for two holes not played will be added to that value to produce an 18-hole Score Differential.<p>

For a player who has yet to establish a Handicap Index (working toward posting scores from 54 holes played), only the 9- and 18-hole score posting option will be available.<p>

Note: Expected score is the default position for holes not played. However, net par may be an option in very limited circumstances subject to approval from the local Allied Golf Association. The Handicap Committee will be responsible for communicating to all golfers when net par should be applied. (Rule 3.2, Rules of Handicapping)

Should a tournament end in a tie, Stroke Play will be resolved using score cards as recommended by the USGA. <font color="red">The priority sequence being the score on the last 9 holes; the score on the last 6 holes; the score on the last three holes, and finally, the score on the 18th hole. Note: The “Back Nine” is always the back page on the scorecard.</font> Applies to NCGA qualifiers advancing to the next round, and for when single awards, such as trophies, prize points, etc. need to be determined.

The tie breaker for the Club Championship, or other Match Play events, will be by sudden death playoff. It will be the participants' responsibility to be available for the playoffs.

Use of the Cinnabar Hills Global Position displays in the power carts and approved hand-held yardage devices is permissible in all CHMGA tournaments, including those conducted to select representatives for NCGA qualifiers.

Entry fee is set by Tournament Committee and will be assessed when you pay your green fees. $20 goes towards your flight's purse, $2.50 goes toward closest to pin purse, and $2.50 goes toward year end Cinnabar Cup Race Purse.

All tournament players will be expected to know and abide by USGA/NCGA and Local Rules. Any rule that is not specifically addressed by the Local Rules will follow existing USGA/NCGA rules. If a dispute of the rules does occur and cannot be resolved by the players involved, (it may be necessary to play a second ball if the situation calls for it. Keep both scores), complete the round and bring the issue to the tournament director and rules chair for resolution.

The tournament roster will be posted on CHMGA.CLUB and the Tournament Management Platform once registration opens. Pairings and tee times will be updated as registration fills. A player handbook with flights, tee times, and rules will be emailed the Friday before the tournament at 1 PM. Start times are typically consecutive but may vary by tournament type and field size. Players must check the roster up to one day before the tournament to confirm their tee time.

<p>If you have signed up for a tournament and cannot participate it is the players responsibility to cancel at least 48 hours prior to the tournament. Cancellations can be made through the <a Need to Pull-out of Tourney"> tournament director.</a><p>

Pro shop should be used as a secondary option when unable to cancel with tournament director. Failure to cancel properly will result in loss of eligibility for the next two tournaments and possible green fees charges for no-show date. Special Note: If members of your group sign you up when you do not plan to participate, it is still your responsibility to withdraw properly in order to avoid the penalties. In leu of an emergency.

The NCGA has placed an increasing emphasis on monitoring the accuracy of its members' handicaps. Cinnabar Hills Men’s Golf Association, as a member of the NCGA, is responsible for maintaining accurate handicaps and policing its membership.

The CHMGA has appointed a Handicap Chairman who will review handicaps and recommend actions that will "protect the field" in not only our tournaments but NCGA tournaments as well.

Scores from CHMGA tournaments rounds should be posted by the Tournament Director as <b>“Competition” (C) </b>scores, except where the format makes keeping individual scores impossible (example: Scrambles).

NCGA qualifying tournaments will be posted as <b>“Tournament” (T) </b>scores.

Should a group you are playing in fall a hole behind, you will be warned by the Course Marshall, Course Management, or Tournament Director. If slow play continues, your entire group will be asked to skip hole to catch up and receive a Max Score Penalty for hole skipped. Repeat offenders maybe subject to fines and or suspensions.

Review, sign, attest, and date score cards before turning them in at the pro shop desk at the end of the round. Unsigned or incorrect scoring will nullify submission; and would be considered a disqualification.

All members who are participating in tournaments are required to putt out on all holes, except in Match Play when the putt is conceded by your opponent.