Cinnabar Hills Golf Club

Local Rules

Out of Bounds - Defined by white stakes and perimeter fences. The Driving Range and Maintenance Facility are out of bounds

Model Local Rule F-5.2 is in effect. Relief may be taken under Rule 16.1 for an obstruction that is with two club-lengths of the putting green, is within two club-lengths of the ball and on the player's line of play. The ball and obstruction must be in part of the general area cut to fairway height or less.

MLR E-4 is in effect. If a player's ball is in the general area and is in or touches an aeration hole, the player may take relief as prescribed in Rule 16.1b. If the ball lies on the putting green, the player may proceed under Rule 16.1d.

All red penalty areas defined by red stakes with green tops are No Play Zones and players must proceed under the options of Rule 17.1. The "mow/eut" line will determine the margin of the penalty area in the absence of stakes or lines. MLR E-8.2

On holes Mountain #3, 4, 9, and Lake #3, 4, and 8. As an extra option for proceeding under Rule 17.1, the player may use a dropping zone defined by a white circle.

The young trees identified by stakes are no play zones. If a player's ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the player's area of intended stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f. MLR E-10

Split Rail Fences on the course are Immovable Obstructions. Relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1 a.

Areas of damage caused by animals are treated as ground under repair. Relief is not allowed if the animal hole only interferes with the player's stance. ML.R F-6

MLR F-13 is in effect. Damage that is caused by animal hoofs/feet is ground under repair from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1. On the putting green such damage may be repaired under Rule 13.1.