CHMGA Board Nominations & Results

VotesPercentageLast Vote Received
Richard Morton1334.2%12/21/24 1:51 PM
Michael Tovish2565.8%12/19/24 10:03 AM
**41.3% of members reporting
Tournament DirectorMichael TovishNicholas EganDecember 13th8:09 AM
TreasurerNicholas EganNicholas EganDecember 13th8:09 AMWON SEAT (unopposed)
SecretaryMcClearyJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AMNominee withdrew 12/16 @ 7:38 AM
Tournament DirectorRichard NortonJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AM
TreasurerMike TovishJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AMDeclined nomination 12/13 @ 8:11 AM
Rules ChairmanRick ZibellJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AMNominee withdrew 12/14 @ 8:50 AM
Handicap ChairmanNathan MortonJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AMNominee withdrew 12/17 @ 6:01 PM
Member Operations ChairMike TovishJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AMDeclined nomination 12/13 @ 8:11 AM
Operations ChairmanRick ZibellJeff StephensDecember 13th8:10 AMNominee withdrew 12/14 @ 8:50 AM
PresidentSteve ShorttSteve ShorttDecember 13th9:00 AMWON SEAT (unopposed)
SecretarySteve ShorttSteve ShorttDecember 13th9:00 AMNominee declined 12/16 @ 8:43 AM
Tournament DirectorRichard MortonSteve ShorttDecember 13th9:00 AM
Operations ChairmanMichael TovishSteve ShorttDecember 13th9:00 AMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 10:32 AM
Tournament DirectorMichael TovishJames BlairDecember 13th11:50 AM
Handicap ChairmanJustin SmithJames BlairDecember 13th11:50 AMWON SEAT (unopposed)
Operations ChairmanMichael TovishJames BlairDecember 13th11:50 AMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 10:32 AM
Rules ChairmanPaul ViethPaul ViethDecember 13th12:32 PMWON SEAT (unopposed)
SecretaryJeff FellJeff FellDecember 14th8:20 AMWON SEAT (unopposed)
Member Operations ChairRichard LebakosRichard LebakosDecember 16th7:58 AMWON SEAT (unopposed)
Operations ChairmanErik FeldmanErik FeldmanDecember 16th4:06 PMWON SEAT (unopposed)
PresidentMark CogliandroThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMNominee withdrew at 12/11 Board Meeting
SecretaryJohn McCleearyThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMNominee withdrew 12/16 @ 7:38 AM
TreasurerJesus PerezThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMNominee no longer ACTIVE member
Tournament DirectorRichard MortonThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PM
Rules ChairmanScott RhineThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMNominee elected to have term lapse
Handicap ChairmanErik FeldmanThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 6:52 PM
Member Operations ChairJustin SmithThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 3:11 PM
Operations ChairmanMichael TovishThomas RaffettoDecember 17th2:18 PMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 10:32 AM
PresidentMark CogliandroPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMNominee withdrew at 12/11 Board Meeting
SecretaryJohn McLeearyPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMNominee withdrew 12/16 @ 7:38 AM
TreasurerJesus "Chuey" PerezPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMNominee no longer ACTIVE member
Tournament DirectorRichard MortonPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PM
Rules ChairmanScott RhinePaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMNominee elected to have term lapse
Handicap ChairmanErik FeldmanPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 6:52 PM
Member Operations ChairRichard MortonPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 10:02 PM
Operations ChairmanRichard MortonPaulo CalvilloDecember 17th7:51 PMDeclined nomination 12/17 @ 10:02 PM